Champion for 2024 is Tim Cooper
Series runner up Barry Goodrum With third place going to Dudley Seal Over 65 Champion is Graham Tweed Best fish of the season taken by Ian Baker a carp of 11lb 2oz Can I remind anglers that those wishing to fish the presentation match and pairs event on Wednesday 6th November on Raven Lake Pidley must notify Ian Darler by email or text. Anglers fishing are reminded that they need to bring a gift of £10 |
Alan Leonard wins the Michael Curtis memorial shield for best fish of the season award for 2023
Alan Leonard wins the annual presentation match to take away the Ian Ling Memorial shield for 2023
Round 4 was fished on Crow Lake at Rookery waters , the weather was very challenging with strong winds and a random heavy shower of rain.
Winner of A section and overall winner on the day was Tim Cooper with 124lb 6oz Winner of B section was Ian Baker with 92lb 14oz Points table after 4 matches Ian Baker 20 point Tim Cooper 19 points Ian Darler 18 points |
The overall all championship results as follow. Liam Darler winner of the series who tied on 33 points with Dave Keedy but Liam had weighed in 12lb 1oz more fish over the year. Dave Keedy Runner up Gary Chandler in third place. Alan Giddens over 65 champion. We would again like to thank all the sponsors that contributed this year and also thank James , Clair and Alex at Rookery Waters for all their help which again has been a challenging year with covid. Thanks also to dave Matthew - Jones for managing the CCFR website . The presentation match takes place on 3rd November at Rookery Waters Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: 2021 Series Table - after 6 matches A.Giddens D.Keedy G.Chandler L.Darler Match 6 result |
Round 5 of the CCFR fishing series was fished on Raven Lake at Rookery Waters.
The two series leaders Liam Darler & Dave Keedy continued their personal battle with Dave Keedy winning A section and the over all match with an impressive 117lb 12oz and Liam Darler winning B section with 89lb 4 oz and second over-all. Runner up in A section was Gary Chandler 48lb 8 oz Runner up in B section was Tim Cooper with 77lb 12oz With just one match to go in the 2021 series things are very tight at the top of the leader board. Liam Darler 28 points Dave Keedy 27 points Gary Chandler 19 points Paul Dean 17 points |
The 3rd round of the CCFR fishing series was fished on Crow Lake at Rookery Waters.
Dave Keedy put in yet another top performance to win B section leaving him in joint top position with Liam Darler with Paul Dean just a point behind , A section was won by Richard Darler who also put in a great performance as he missed the first 90 minutes of the match due to a car breakdown. |
Round 2 of the CCFR fishing series was fished on Magpie Lake at Rookery Waters Pidley and what a difference it was to the first match that was fished in snow, This time we had the hottest day of the year so far to contend with plus the fish decided to start spawning . Huge numbers of carp were crashing around in the margins having very little interest in feeding which kept the weights lower than other years.
Winners on the day were Liam Darler A section with 128lb 14oz and Paul Dean B section55lb 8oz a repeat of match 1. Dave Keedy picked up his second runner up spot in A section to keep the pressure on the front runners weighing in 65lb 8oz whilst Barry Goodrum put in a good performance to finish second in B section with 54lb 4oz. Special thanks to Stuart Sellars of SSElectrical Ltd for sponsoring this event. |
The first match of the 2021 CCFR fishing series was fished at Little Walden on a day when the conditions could not have been more challenging.
Strong winds, pooring rain, snow, and very cold at times the fish were very slow to put in an appearance with several anglers having to weight 2-3 hours for the their first bite. Photo right - Paul Dean was the winner of A section with 47lb pound which was a very good weight for that section Photo below - Winner of B section was Liam Darler who also went without a bite for the first three hours of the match but then went on to catch 85lb in the final two and a half hours of the match. |
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Peter Ankin with some of his catch (Great performance Peter) B section Runner up was Gary Chandler with 30lb 12oz with his catch taken on the pole. As the series comes to a climax with just one match to go things are very close on the leader board with Alan Giddens , Peter Ankin & Philip Dean all competing for the new Mick Rivers Memorial trophy for over 65s. And Ian Darler, Liam Darler, Tim Cooper and Barry Goodrum all in with a chance of the championship. Final match is on Wednesday 4th November 2020 on Raven Lake Rookery Waters Draw 8.45am fishing 9.45am – 3.30pm Reminder that the Presentation / Christmas match is on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 again on Raven Lake. Draw 8.45am fish 9.45 – 3pm entry fee £10.00 and all anglers are reminded to bring a prize with of a minimum value of £5.00 please confirm by email if you wish to attend. Please note that due to Covid we will not be having the meal after the match.. |
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of our very good friend Mick Rivers.
He was a wonderful man and he was a great friend as well. I will never forget all that he did for me in helping with Cambridge Charity Fund Raisers Mick was one of the first anglers to join CCFR and was always keen to make a donation through his beloved Royston Angling club. I never heard an ill word spoken of him. He was kind, compassionate, and a true gentleman. Sadly there are few people like that in the world today. We will all miss his sense of humour and words that would echo around the lake. |
Important update 2020 Fishing Series.
It is with regret that we have had postpone our first charity fishing match on the 6th May 2020 on Magpie Lake at Rookery waters Pidley due to the current situation with coronavirus we will try to reschedule the match once things improve. We hope to be able to continue in June with the other six scheduled dates but will await an update on the virus situation in May. All anglers signed up to fish will get a further update in May. I hope you all stay healthy and safe during this challenging time Regards Ian Darler |
The CCFR 2018 fishing series has just one match remaining and yet again the points table tells a story with the leaders Ian Claydon & Dave Keedy on 26 points being closely chased by Dudley Seal and Gary Chandler on 24
points this means that there will be a new name on the championship trophy this year. Good luck to you all on the final match. |